Community-based Investigation of Cosmic Radiation

Cosmic radiation are high-energy particle rays produced in outer space which constantly impinge on the Earth's atmosphere. These particles can produce particle showers when they interact with atoms in the upper atmosphere.

The MuonPi Project aims at investigating these cosmic showers by establishing a network of low-cost Raspberry Pi-based particle detectors.

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Thanks to many open-source online platforms we can share our data, documentation, hardware, and code with you!

Live Map

A map with live detector coincidences

Live Map


Data is important and Grafana is the perfect tool to display a multitude of live detector data



Extensive documentation about the project can be found in our Wiki



The Raspberry Pi shield and other drawings can be found in EasyEDA, an open source online design tool



All of our software is published on GitHub



A place to ask your questions


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While a single MuonPi detector already allows the investigation of cosmic ray muons, a wide-spanned network of the detector units can resolve the entire particle shower geometry and unveil the physics of cosmic radiation.

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Latest News

Flight of our stratospheric balloon experiment

19 November 2022

Starting at Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, only 67 km from Frankfurt in the heart of Germany, the balloon climbed up to an altitude of over 34 km (111000 ft) and landed three hours later in the franconian forest. The onboard video footage of the whole flight is available on YouTube.

Release of version 2.0.2 of the muondetector software

02 November 2021

Version 2.0.2 of the muondetector software has been released.
Removed dependency on libpaho-mqttpp in favour of libmosquitto and added improvements to GUI usability

New live map of coincidences

05 January 2021

The new live map shows all 'L1' coincidences between (two or more) active detector stations. The events are mostly random coincidences but could also come from a single cosmic showers. The more detectors in one event the more likely it is that it is a cosmic shower that was just detected.

Release of Cosmic Detector Unit 3.1

27 September 2020

Revision 3.1 has been released and fixed some minor bugs. Board version 3.1 is working perfectly. Find out about it's new features and bugfixes...